Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Week 5

The Wikipedia is great source of information. But you do have to keep in mind that the information in it is ever changing. My thought is it can be used as a source of reference but not to make it your only source. Find other documents to back-up or argue the point your trying to get across. The blog did inform us that there is a source that is keeping track of who has made the changes on the Wikipedia subject. I think this is a great source of holding people that are careless responsible for purposefully misleading information.

Mr. McClung has a great idea in doing a journal. I think this is a great reference for new teachers and teachers that have taught for years. It just gives you a tool for reassuring yourself or getting ideas. This blog just lets you know that your not the only one going through a tough class or if your stuck on how to present a lesson you might find a fresh idea. Great Idea!


  1. Betty,

    Wiki's are like any other tool. They can be used properly or not but it is a tool nonetheless. Wiki's are a great place to start looking for information and then you do further research to either solidify a point or refute one.

  2. Betty, Wikipedia is a tool that can possibly be used as a source in the academic view, but I wouldn't use it as a good source. Like you suggested if you are going to use wikipedia I would find another reliable source to back that point of view. Keep up the good work!

  3. I do agree that Wikipedia is a good starting point I just don't agree with using it all the time. There are so many more legitimate ways to get information that do back up arguments or points that are trying to be made that Wikipedia is somewhat of waste of time. To get everyday information it is great but for formal arguments or for papers I would never use it. You make great points though because it does give a quick source for information is that is what is needed at the time.

    Greg Youngblood
