Saturday, March 27, 2010

Morgan Bayda Blog

I just finished reading Bayda's Blog and I was surprised to hear her, in a way, support Dan Brown's suggestion or decision to drop out of school. I agree that maybe some children are not being challenged to their full potential. What about those children with the Learning Disabilities or those that just don't have the influence that others have. The economic status should never justify what education you receive. There are children and families out there that don't have the funds for a personal computer must less alone to pay a monthly Internet bill. With the country in a repression this idea has to come into play. What about those students that need the one on one experience.
I think to use technology is great. Twitter, Face book, and all the other tools out there are wonderful for teaching and finding a support source. But lets not forget the basis that our own education(especially the older students) is built on. We have to start somewhere and then advance where appropriate. I plan on using my technology tools that I've learned in EDM class in my classroom, and as a support system in my teaching career. I don't however, plan on making my lesson plan around my technology source. You can buy a child every toy there is at Toys R Us but what do they really have the most fun playing with? The card board box, that becomes the race car, the castle, the house, and/or the robot. It's just nature.

Just 4 Fun

ACCESS - Alabama Connecting Classrooms

This is used mainly for rural students or/and when funds are not available for staff needed. It is to insure them that they have the equal opportunitiy of the same type of education as children with easy access to certain classes. This is a great idea and what a great use of technology.

Alex - Alabama Learning Exchange

This tool is for teachers to gain easy access to lesson plans and ideas. This would be a great resource to use when your in the field and need some ideas for your classroom.

The Last Lecture

Wow! How inspirational is he. He had a lot of great examples of how to identify and achieve your dreams. He inspires me to be the best teacher you can be. I loved the part about wall are for climbing and to keep out the people that don't really want it. The most important part of the lecture to me was how he had been inspired.I would describe him as a great pioneer in his field. We are only as good as the people we take inspiration and direction from. Luck is were preparation meets opportunity so, be prepared.

You can really tell that he has inspired many students to put forth their best and succeed. One of the reasons I have chosen the teaching field is so that I can inspire other people to look past the "walls". This really hit home with me and I will reference this lecture in the future for inspiration.

His career wasn't an easy venture. The inspiration isn't about what he has accomplished but how he accomplished them. We must remember failure is not an option.

Friday, March 26, 2010

My Survey

My Skype Experience

I've really gotten into the skype usage. My boyfriend is working out of town and we have been using it to stay in touch. It's a lot better than talking over the phone. Sometimes we just sit together and watch t.v. It's almost like having him sitting on the couch with me. I have suggested skype to some of my other contacts. I have a young cousin that was down about not being able to see her dad. Her parents are divorced and her dad lives states away. Due to financial reasons (i believe) she has not seen him in a while. I told her about skype and the face to face interaction. Hopefully that will help her bonding with her dad. I plan on doing my interview with a teacher I know in Texas and recording it on skype. My plan is after I record it I will be posting it to my blog. As soon as I figure out how to record on it. Skype will be used in my classroom. It's such a convenient tool. Thanks

Monday, March 8, 2010

Little Voices, Little Scholars

Little Voices, Little Scholars- I commented on their site about how i enjoyed their video. It was really cute.