Friday, April 30, 2010

Final Honest Reflection Post

I will be answering my question in outline format. If you need a reference on what the original question is you can access the class blog.

1. These are some of the things I have learned from my EDM310 class and how I would use them in my teaching career or on an individual basis.

Blogs: I found these to be a incentive tool for creativity. This is a great way to get feed back for yourself and your students. At the same time, it is a tool that you can share information with other people.

PresentationsThe Google presentations is a way to present a lesson using a "free" program. You use it very similar to power point.

Google DocsI will be using Google docs in my future for the simple reason that I do not want to have to pay to create a letter. Google Docs can be uploaded in a word format. The only problem with Google Docs is it does not have the format simplicity that Word does.

Google SpreadsheetsThis is an excellent source for storing your passwords and such.

PicasoA tool to change your own pictures so that you can paste them elsewhere or just make cosmetic changes.

PodcastsThis was a fun project and I enjoyed working with my fellow students on this one. The recording made me feel like my opinion was going to come across to someone "hopefully".

Posts I ReadThis was one of the main things that opened my mind to other people's opinion. I was able to see how someone else felt or experienced the same process and their take on it.

PLN A way to document what you have learned and the tools you have used. I would like for my students to develop their own PLN and appreciate it.

TwitterI had a Twitter account before this class but I never really knew how it was going to be beneficial. I have establish many followers and have already began to use it as a source in my educational journey. I know I will use this tool in my career.

Comments for KidsI enjoyed commenting on the children's blogs and I know they enjoyed having someone commenting on their work. This showed me how important a positive attitude is important.

Comments for TeachersI have been able to follow most of my teachers that I commented on. In this process I have been able to find some role models in my career path. I hope to continue the professional leadership they have shown.

Who I am as a ProfessionalThis class has not necessarily changed who I am as a professional but it has added to my professionalism greatly. I am now a tech literate teacher.

Google FormsThese were great! I like getting to see what every one's anonymous answer's where. I would have like to done this on a larger scale. This will be a tool I use if to just put together a test.

Google EarthThis was neat. Not my favorite but it was neat. I can see where this could be used in a Geography class.

2. There is one thing that I wished I would have gotten some experience on the Smart Board. I know these are very common in a classroom and I would have liked to of mastered this.

3. No Way!

4. Yes! After working so hard on a project like podcasts or presentations it was fun to share them with my classmates. I even posted a lot of them on my facebook account to share with my family and friends.

5. I found the terms to be intellectually challenging. A lot of the terms I was already aware of the process but not what it was "officially called".

6. Heck No!

7. If I was to make a change I would split it into two classes. This way you can concentrate on the processes and work quality. The projects would have better quality material in them If I had more concentrated instructions on the subject matter.

8. I will maintain and improve my technological literacy by maintaining my tweets, continue to use my programs (Vocaroo, Blogs, Screenjelly, etc), and by instilling technology literacy in my own students and children.


  1. I doubt we could ever get approval to split EDM310 into two semesters. I agree with you, however.

    Good luck.

  2. Well, Im glad you agree. This class has really opened my eyes! I'm already applying the knowledge from this class to my other classes and can't wait to use some of the tools im my own classroom. I am glad this class is finished but I feel like I will be missing out on the materials that will be used in future classes. Maybe I'll take it again before the end of my degree. Thanks

  3. Betty,

    You were a great student and I hope that what you have already done with your own kids can be used in your classroom in the future

  4. Tashbin,
    This is the best way to exploit your own kids.hehe I do enjoy working with my kids and I try to take the obstacles that working with my own kids and take note to apply with my future students. You were a great instructor and I dont think I would have made it through the class without your instruction. Thanks and have a great summer!
